SaleDay packing

This screen allows you to enter the actual quantities to be packed into each box and half-box. Note that the terms "box" and "half box" may be customised for your purposes (eg "basket" or "bag").

Field Purpose
Product Name of the Product
Qty per box Quantity per box, as estimated in the SaleDay requirements screen.
Qty per half Quantity per half-box, as estimated in the SaleDay requirements screen.
Qty avail Total available quantity of the Product (from the SaleDay supply screen)
Actual per box Actual quantity to be packed into each box
Actual per half Actual quantity to be packed into each half-box
Qty alloc Total quantity allocated into boxes (Actual-per-box and Actual-per-half)
Note Reports any discrepancy between Qty-avail and Qty-alloc. This is for your information only; VegeBoss doesn't force you to match quantities exactly
Show/hide each product value This link will toggle two additional fields, showing the retail value of each product in a box and half-box.

SaleDay steps: SaleDay summary > SaleDay buyers > SaleDay requirements > SaleDay orders > SaleDay supply > SaleDay packing